Through a window

A mosaic of things i notice when i peep out of the window of my soul..

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Whats you pick?

Yeah i do seem to be writing a lot about these since past few days ain't i? But then this is what life is all about isn't it? Its like we are given a clutch of colors, we pick out the ones we like and paint a picture for ourselves. Sometimes the colors look nice but when we paint with them the picture doesn't quite agree with our imagination. Sometimes we are aware that we might be given new colors but at times we are so disappointed with the picture we have colored that we fail to see the new colors appearing.. Sometimes we colors our picture so deeply that the new colors appear fade on the picture and we are stuck with the existing ones. Seldom do we realize that we can we can paint a new picture and not use the colors we liked previously and don't like any more!! or rather they don't suit the picture now!

Feels like i'm losing the touch with my analogies? or does it? ;) Anyhow this particular post was prompted after a particular discussion i had with a friend while advising on the issue of marriage (!) It made me think about the choices i'd made and the ones that people made about me as well.. I advised him the way someone had once advised me, and then it made me think more, everyone has bad points. A person maybe be a liar, who lies all the time, someone maybe be a murderer, the most untrustworthy person on earth, abusive, drunkard, short tempered, possessive, thief and any attribute you may consider as unwanted, unpleasing etc. but the same person also has something worth rooting for. So what matters in the end is what we are ok with! We first need to ask ourselves do we know that person well enough, do we know what he really is that what we see? And then what are we ok with? Are those bad qualities worth enough to let go of that person? Are we going to concentrate on the bad points and completely ignore what good the person possesses?
This is in case of a person who might be repetitively indulging in things that we feel are not acceptable to us.

In another case a person might make a mistake and act in a way that displeases us (now how many times does that happen these days?) Then, it might happen that we get so used to the person's goodness that the show of one bad point, that too out of mistake and not out of bad will, might make us lose trust, and that is where the question of choice comes in. So, are we willing to make allowance for that one thing the person has done wrong, (i'm assuming we know the person as far as it is possible to know and also the motive behind that act), will we consider the larger goodness in him or will we condemn for having committed a crime? It depends on what it is that matters to us? giving way for more bitterness or forgiveness? Another question we need to have answered, do we really know and understand the person. Equally important is the motive behind whatever her does. But the most important thing is- do we understand ourselves, to make the choices that we do? Do we think about the implications of our actions and how they affect the person we love, are those actions acceptable and if not do we take the trouble to change ourselves?

Whats your pick then? :)

PS: mine is the one who inspires me to write no matter what, leads me to be a better person.. and.. just be :)
To the Bull, Forever <3

Thursday, March 17, 2011

A mother, a lover

Amongst the varied roles a woman plays in her day to day life, and somes times at unusual times, i feel these two are the most compassionate of them all.
These are as distinct and as similar as two can get, a very thin line between the two.
They are both feel extremely, intensely and very agressively for the ones who make them it, the child and the lover..
A mother never even in her imagination would dream of hurting a child, not matter whose it is.. She will show her compassion the depth and intensity of her feelings by showering emmense love and care even on the ones who hurt her.. Whereas a lover, with a broken heart, would not think twice before destroying the entire world to display the hurt and at the same time the intensity of her feelings..
A mother will never forgive the one who hurts her child, a lover will protect her love from every harm ever possible, even if it would mean losing herself in the process..
But then what will a woman do when she has to choose between the mother and the lover in her? How will she ever be able to make them both agree on one thing, is this choice ever possible? And what would she do then if either of the two is the cause of her losing either? Whom will she forgive or not forgive?
Whom would she kill?
Would she be a mother or a lover or both, and then would any one understand what turmoil she goes through? would either of them, the child and the lover be able to understand her decisions and actions? Would they care to know what is beyond the obvious?
A mother and a lover, i pray no woman ever has to go through this choice..

May be a bit too late since woman's day was a week ago, but dedicated to all women and here's praying that you have the strength to be yourself.

Monday, March 14, 2011

To hold on and let go- The decision

I'm sure many of us face this question many times, or maybe its just me, but when the time comes that you have to decide, you have to choose between hanging on and letting go, how do we do it?
How do we know it this is the time to let go and not pursue something you know is elusive and how do we fight the feeling that pushing just a bit harder will get us there?
How do we know that its time when letting will make you reach what you want and not holding on?
Its a different thing when you are up in the air and about to jump off a plane, you know when you have to jump, you know when you have to open the parachute.. you know when to let go of the plane and then the parachute..
How do we do it when something as fragile as emotions are involved?
When people decide things, do they just jump into it and then get on with whatever they have? What do they do? What can we do when all the pros are with you with no cons, and yet you have to let go? whereas at times when everything you ever wanted is on the other side and yet you decide not cross?
When to hold on and when to let go is the question.. maybe just sit back relax and let others do it for you.. Maybe laziness comes in handy here! ;)
On a side note- Guess our heart always knows what is to be done, it also knows what it wants, and how to get it, or maybe that it will reach its destination and also so through the journey that it wants.. So like i always say close your eyes and follow your heart, do what you really "feel" like doing, and you will know..
There are many diversions, distractions, but ultimately your heart knows deep within, it will help you unveil everything. Do as your heart prompts you to! Then there will be no need for decisions, they will happen automatically..

(Has come out a bit like the atom, but nonetheless here it is. Yet trying not to run away from making decisions)

Roles Reversed

Over the weekend i witnessed how you realise that you have grown when you see yourself in someone else, your actions and feelings. And when you realise that you are not there any more, that you have moved on, past that stage. It is slightly different from trying to look at things from other person's point of view but it does make you think from another perspective. This incidence made me contemplate about how i have changed in a very short span of time, from being someone that i saw in front of me now, to someone i am now, it so strange to see yourself in someone else, and to know which such relief that you are not the same any more.. such relief in roles reversed!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

From a friend's blog

You gotta read this..
The contemplation continues..