Through a window

A mosaic of things i notice when i peep out of the window of my soul..

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Tricky Patterns

Many times i feel we all are so conditioned.. To follow certain things in life.. Some of them due to the fear of "society", some of them out of love and respect for the family, and some of them just because thats what we've been doing all our lives or maybe have been seeing people around do it, and so we end up getting conditioned to expect the same things, and do things in such a way that that is what happens to us..
We tend to fall in a pattern of sorts.. Or maybe people make us fall into a pattern and we don't even realise.. Until one fine sunny day or a cold dark night, when you suddenly realise, that what you've been seeing around you, what you have been doing and expecting to happen in your life, is something that is not meant for you, never was.. And then you realise the reason that has been eluding you for all this while.. The sole reason behind all pain.. The pattern that you allowed yourself to fall into..
These patterns might do you good, cause there are examples of people having fallen into them and seemingly having a good life.. almost all of them..
But have we ever tried questioning them, what their real dream was, and where they are now? Not only in terms of a career or a family, but in the general sense of being happy.. How many people you meet can smile and say without second thoughts, that they are happy with their life that very moment? That if they were to die now, they will have no regrets? that they've done most of the things they always wanted to do? That they've not held themselves back for any sort of fear, For the fear of society, hurting close ones, the fear of losing.. That they over came all sort of fear and did what they really wanted to?

I believe most of us hold ourselves back thinking about a lot of things like society , family and failure.. We are scared to fall out of the pattern that has been set before us.. But how many of us realise, that this pattern is nothing but a choice? How many of us have the courage to choose what we really want? Without guilt, without getting bogged down by guilt? Family will be happy if you are happy, and the society doesn't give a shit anyway.. Are your desires your feelings intense and true enough to overcome all your fears? are you strong enough?

A recent 5-10 mins conversation with someone unexpected, made me go over my life in general.. About the decisions i've taken and the ones that i'm taking now..

Certain aspects of life keep following a pattern.. but there is this one part of life, that refuses to behave or fall in any pattern of any sort.. It is a rebel.. and i believe that is the part that makes me, me.. I also believe every person has something within them that will never fall in line. that will refuse to follow anyone's orders. However small, unnoticed or insignificant that part might be, it exists. and that is the true you..

These patterns are tricky things.. That conversation made me realise what i really want, which i had an inkling of, but i realised it in depth that night.. Sometimes help comes from the most unlikely of places.. We just need to keep our soul open to receive, and our heart open, to give.. :)

For everyone/everything else there are these tricky patterns.. Not for the real you! :)


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